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- "Spássíukrot? Mælendamerkingar í handritum eddukvæða og miðaldaleikrita",Skáldskaparmál, 3 (1994), 7-29.
- "The Rights of the Player", in Comparative Drama, 30 (Spring 1996), 1-31.
- "Grýla, Grýlur, "Grøleks" and Skeklers: Medieval Disguise Traditions in the North Atlantic?",Arv: Nordic Yearbook of Folklore, 57 (2001), 33-54.
- "Hof, Halls, Goðar and Dwarves: An Examination of the Ritual Space in the Pagan Icelandic Hall", Cosmons 17:1 (June 2001), 3-36.
- „Mists, Magicians and Murderous Children: International Migratory Legends Concerning the "Black Death" in Iceland", Northern Lights: Following Folklore in North Western Europe: Essays in Honour of Bo Almqvist, rits. Séamas Ó Catháin (Dublin, 2001), 47-59.
- "Waking the Wiggle-Waggle Monsters: The Origins of the Icelandic Vikivaki Games", Folk Drama Studies Today: The International Traditional Drama Conference 2002, rits. Eddie Cass og Peter Millington (Sheffield, 2003), 207-225.
- "The Coming of the Christmas Visitors: Folk legends concerning the attacks on Icelandic farmhouses made by spirits at Christmas", Northern Studies, 38 (2004), 51-75.
- An Invasion of Foreign Bodies: Legends of Washed Up Corpses in Iceland, Eyðvinur: Heiðursrit til Eyðun Andreassen, rits. Malan Marnersdóttir, Jens Cramer og Arnfinnur Johansen (Tórshavn, 2005), 70-79.
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Hafðu samband við Terry til að fá aðgang að eftirfarandi greinum:
- Til holts ek gekk’: Spacial and Temporal Aspects of the Dramatic Poems of the Elder Edda, Old Norse Religion in Long Term Perspectives: Origins, Changes and Interactions: An International Conference in Lund, Sweden 3-7 júni, 2004. Eds. Anders Andrén, Kristina Jennbert and Catharina Raudvere. Lund. 238-242.
- "How Elvish Are the Álfar?", Constructing Nations, Reconstructing Myth: Essays in Honour of T.A. Shippey, eds. Andrew Wawn, Graham Johnson and John Walter, ( Brepols, 2007), 111-130.
- "Teater och drama i äldsta tid", Ny svensk teaterhistoria 1: Teater före 1800, ed. Sven Åke (Heed, 2007).